your new page!


it's the same as the last one pretty much lol

Click gir for DNI


Hi I'm v0mit you can just call me vom or Johnny or whatever idc Just make it somewhat similar that so I understand that you're talking to me lol

***You're free to talk to me or send me friends request just know that I'm very socially awkward and if I don't respond it's not cause I'm mad it's probably because I just don't know how to respond lol

I wanna try and be on here more cause I kind of feel bad for leaving and it's also probably gonna be more active here since school starting back soon! WOoO

PSA: Please note that I'm very stupid and I'm not trying to be mean if it looks like it. I'm very much so socially awkward and kind of cringe and dumb I hope that makes sense and I'm also known to be very Toxic and or problematic At times so I'm very sorry Sometimes I say lol at the wrong time I'm also very sorry for that. That's Kind of just what I say when I don't know what to say I guess. I don't know? Also sometimes my keyboard will Also sometimes my keyboard will auto correct so I'm sorry for that too it's poopy lol

Main site and more fun